What Every Bride Needs to Have in Their Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Bride has a wedding day emergency kit on hand with her while getting ready.
Photo: Stephania Campos | Venue: Corinthian Houston | Florals & Decor: Plants N’ Petals | Cake: Susie’s Cakes

When it comes to your wedding day, perfection is in the details, and that’s where the wedding day emergency kit comes in. Imagine having a beautifully curated kit by your side to have and to hold, filled with everything you might need, from a delicate sewing kit for unexpected snags to extra nail polish for a finishing touch-up before walking down the aisle. A bride should never have to worry about the little things on her special day, and with this elegant touch of preparedness, you’ll feel confident knowing that no matter what, your day will unfold effortlessly. Click here to read the rest of this post »